Yesterday was Chris and my first anniversary. We had planned a trip to DC for the weekend, so we left Lubbock on Thursday, spent thursday evening with Ryan and Cheryl Touchton and Justin and Bethany Bagwell, and then left for DC on Friday morning. Ryan and Cheryl kept Emory for us which made me feel SOOO good because they are taking really good care of her. I think she likes being with them more than us! They work in the yard and she loves to be outside with them and then they take her for long walks in the evening so she is worn out and ready to go to bed. We had one really good day in DC. We were able to make our whitehouse tour which was really cool (no cameras allowed so I have no pics of that). The next day we went to the mall where we took the pics of the Washington monument bellow, and then we went to the Smithsonian museum of American History, where of course, Chris took a picture of Obama on the presidential timeline. We were in the museum about 30 min when we got a call that Cindy was doing really poorly, so we headed back to the hotel and made arrangements to get to Lubbock ASAP.
Jesse and JoAnne Long are a couple that live in Lubbock and found out about our situation. They have truly been a godsend. They offered for Chris and I to stay with them last night. They found out that it was our anniversary so when we got to their house, they had set up our room with champagne glasses, sparkling cider, two pieces of cake, and a note that said Happy Anniversary Chris and Sarah. It was so sweet and much needed. This morning they had set out homemade muffins, strawberries, cereal and coffee and juice. They also cooked lunch for our whole family. I'm so touched by their kindness, and I really hope that God gives me the chance to minister to somebody else the way they have ministered to us.