About Me

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Malindi, Kenya
This blog used to be about me and my new husband starting our life together in Brookhaven, Georgia. Now, 8 years, 3 children, and 1 trans-continental move later, I'm writing for me; to document the emotional and spiritual journey I am on so that I don't forget the paths I have traveled in my heart and mind.

Monday, December 12, 2016

what am I doing here?

I don't feel like I am a good writer. The truth is, I don't really feel like I am good at anything. I have struggled with this feeling all my life. I used to stress so much about what I wanted to be when I grow up. I would ask my mom to list all the options of potential careers for me. Nothing she named seemed right. I just didn't get excited about anything. Many years later, when I was in my early 30s, my dad and I were talking about writing and he said, "You don't just wake up one day and say 'I want to be a writer.' Only people who are truly passionate about writing will do it and a very small percentage of those people will actually be successful. You don't do it for the sake of doing it you do it because you can't not do it." This conversation has really stuck with me as the truth of what he was saying seeps deeper into me. You don't choose something because you just want to be good at something, you don't just choose a career so that you have a career. You pursue what you love, what you are passionate about, and the reward is that you do what you love, what you are passionate about. Success and careers are the byproduct. They must be complete afterthought. In fact it really seems that most successful people are surprised by their success, not expecting it. So how do I find success, or completeness, or wholeness, or that feeling of 'this is what I was made for' if it is something I should be surprised by? That can't be the goal, because you aren't surprised when you reach your goals. What is the goal? I've been reading a lot of really good books that address this issue and they all word it in different ways but it just dawned on me that they are pretty much saying the same thing. The goal is to find beauty, find yourself, find yourself beautiful, find God, find God in yourself, find your true self, find your connection with those around you, find your own uniqueness. There are so many ways of expressing it but no formulas for how to attain this "it." I feel like I haven't attained it yet but I also don't feel devastated by that realization. I'm still searching. Sometimes when I think of my kids it makes me panic, aren't I supposed to have found "it" by the time I have kids so I can be the right mom? What if they leave home and I still haven't found "it" yet? How do I balance searching for "it", which seems really important, and being a mom, which seems HUGELY important? But I still want to be good at something, and I want to not be able to not do something. I want to have something to offer to the world. I don't know where to start, but I know I need some sort of outlet to process my journey. I may not find the finish line but I will document my journey well so I will remember which paths I took. That is what I want to do with this writing. Just document the journey. I think we all want someone to witness our lives. I try as a mom to be a witness to my kids by being present with them as much as I can. Present with my body AND my mind. I want someone to witness me, too.


  1. Sarah - You are so not alone in these feelings! Good for you for documenting the journey! I know this post probably doesn't need a comment, but I did want to say: being in HR has taught me one thing about finding your purpose. Enjoyment of your life's work often comes with mastery. Meaning, even if you work with your hands, drive a semi-truck, climb the corporate ladder, whatever... if you can *master* a skill, you can begin to enjoy it way more through the years. The word passion sometimes is overrated because you absolutely CAN become passionate about something the closer you get to mastering it. This happens with me and Human Resources and health insurance. (Yes, in a nerd). Anyway, didn't want to intrude on your thoughts! Always love your posts and praying for you today! ��

    1. That is a great point, and I think you are definitely right. Mastery brings a lot of satisfaction. I think we often end up mastering things we didn't expect to or weren't planning on. That can be both difficult but also very rewarding, depending on our attitude towards it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you Suzy! I'm so thankful I am not alone! You are an inspiration to me in the way you lead your family and serve others. I can't tell you how thankful I am for your friendship.

  3. Dear Sarah, I can not tell you how much I thought you were writing about me! I still struggle with this and hope to one day have it all figured out! I felt like my main calling in this life was to be a mother, but I wanted more! But now as I look at our girls and the paths they have chosen and how much they love God, my life has been about making sure they became beautiful women of God! But, now I want to do more...be more! I know it is a journey; we live in a world that always asks, "What do you do?" Or "What is your profession?" I don't know why we don't ask "Tell me who you are?" or "What are your dreams?" I am rambling on! Thank you for sharing your journey; you will change lives with that. I love you so much! "You are kind, you are smart, you are important."
